
Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy Program

Financial literacy is the knowledge about money management that enables people to confidently manage their financial lives. CCS offers clients service to better understand their finances through one on one services and in a group session setting. By understanding their finances clients are able to, control their financial future, achieve life goals, provide for themselves and their family, be a smarter consumer, reduce stress and sleep better and be confident that they can manage their finances. Our services are provided at no cost, and no representative of CCS will ever request payment in exchange for services we offer.


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In the one on one setting the Financial literacy workers connects with the client and works with them in addressing their person or individual cases and needs.

The groups cover a wide range of topics such as, Important points about Credit & Credit Products, Savings, Investments, Retirements, Pensions, Credit Beacon Score and Credit Reports, Consumer Education and Protection, Income Tax and Benefits, Financial Goal Setting and any other topics identified by the clients.