

Voices on the Newcomer Landscape

Episode #5

On this edition of Voices, we explore the Canadian employment landscape and how it impacts newcomers in terms of labour market stability, the barriers they face, and how they can make their candidacies as attractive as possible for a post-COVID world.

Joining us are two subject matter experts who approach these issues with complimentary perspectives. Carolyn Benslimane, is a Vice President of Client Services for the Sterling division of the Ian Martin Group. Her career has spanned 30 years of partnering with executives and managers who need to find talent.  Raj Dam is a strategic partnerships’ professional and manages Employer and Stakeholder Relations for The Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council.

Episode #4

CCS undertook an important step in the agency’s evolution with the launch of a program in 2020 designed to support the LGBTQ+ community. The idea was to establish CCS as a safe and affirming place for LGBTQ+ newcomers to call ‘home’ and develop a sense of belonging.

In our fourth episode, we talk to the program lead and a long-tenured CCS employee with an interest in connecting clients from diverse cultural backgrounds to LGBTQ+ services.

The discussion focuses on our work supporting newcomer LGBTQ+ clients, the broader challenges newcomer LGBTQ+ community members face in acclimating to a new country, and the impact of COVID-19 on the community.

Episode #3

In this special COVID-19 themed episode, we brought together a cross section of employees, representing various CCS brands, functions and the communities we serve, to discuss how we have reimagined our service delivery model to meet the needs of our clients during a worldwide pandemic.

In the CCS Innovation Roundtable, the group shares how they’re navigating the “new normal” in their respective areas during the first part of the show, and then Agnes Thomas, executive director, leads a roundtable discussion about the need to be nimble in responding to the challenges of these most unprecedented times.

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Episode #2

In this episode, we talk to Valentina Harper, co-founder of Caremongering (and an immigrant herself), a community group founded in Toronto on Facebook in mid-March in response to COVID-19 to share resources at a grassroots level. Listen to hear more about the group, how it came to be, and where it’s going in the future.

Check out caremongering-TO on Facebook:

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Episode #1

CCS is proud to be launching a podcast, Voices on the Newcomer Landscape, with our inaugural episode debuting in January 2020.

We want to give voice to the people we’ve interacted with in the course of the work we do — newcomers, immigrants and refugees intent on making a new home in Canada and moving their lives forward.

In sharing newcomer stories, we hope listeners will appreciate hearing  diverse perspectives and stories of resilience and courage in the face of displacement and adversity.