Request for Proposals to undertake a Project Evaluation
Catholic Crosscultural Services is seeking an experienced evaluation consultant or consultancy firm to design and implement a project evaluation of a new Capacity Building Project for Racialized Organizations (CBPRO), funded by IRCC.
Catholic Crosscultural Services is a settlement agency providing services to newcomers and immigrants, and is also the lead agency of the Toronto East Quadrant Local Immigration Partnership (TEQ LIP).
The CBPRO project will equip 20 small, racialized and indigenous organizations with the knowledge and tools to apply for and successfully manage government funding through a series of capacity-building and training sessions, resources and mentoring activities.
Scope of this Request
The Evaluator will be responsible for developing and executing an evaluation designed to measure if the project meets its stated objectives and outcomes. The evaluation will be designed and implemented over a one-year timeframe.
Expected activities will include:
- Designing the project’s evaluation framework, logic model and evaluation plan based on the project’s stated objectives and outcomes
- Developing and implementing evaluation and data collection tools in collaboration with the project team
- Engaging in regular consultation meetings, timeline to be defined at project onset, with project management and staff, to ensure that the evaluation plan is implemented effectively and on target
- Completing analysis of data collected
- Produce regular progress update reports based on funder requirements
- Produce a comprehensive final project evaluation report
Evaluation Goals:
- Assess whether the project achieves its stated objectives and whether project activities lead to the intended outcomes
- Assess effectiveness of capacity-building activities and participants’ increase in knowledge
- Assess participants’ ability to apply learnings in practice
- Assess effectiveness and usefulness of tools and resources produced
- Assess the overall success of the project
- Identify unintended program impacts/outcomes both positive and negative
- Evaluation framework and logic model
- Evaluation matrix and detailed evaluation plan with justifications including proposed sources of information; research methods and procedures; analysis; and knowledge dissemination and report structure and a detailed timeline July 2023 – June 2024
- Any required evaluation tools to be developed (e.g. surveys or stakeholder/group interview questions, training evaluation forms) along with plan for analysis
- Summary of preliminary findings
- Occasional update reports on preliminary findings as required by the funder and to inform project delivery
- Final evaluation report with executive summary written for a broad audience
Project Timeline:
Completion of the evaluation framework and tools by August 2023, summary of preliminary findings by March 2024 and final report must be completed by June 15, 2024.
Proposals should detail the Evaluator’s experience delivering similar initiatives and competence to successfully complete the work. The following criteria will be used to evaluate the proposals:
- Experience designing and conducting program evaluations, including the design, administration, analysis and reporting processes
- Experience in evaluating multi-stakeholder programs and capacity building initiatives
- Knowledge and understanding of government funding processes
- Demonstrated knowledge of different evaluation methodologies, and ability to apply them to this project
- Familiarity with IRCC strategic directions; experience in evaluating other IRCC projects
- Knowledge of newcomer services and of grassroots, small and racialized organizations
- Content, clarity and visual appeal of the proposal
- Canadian Evaluation Society designation an asset
Please send a proposal (5 pages maximum) including:
- Letter of Introduction including executive summary that demonstrates an understanding of the project
- Work plan, timeline and deliverables along with a description of how consultant plans to achieve the goals
- Description of any expected challenges
- Proposed budget (max $7,800 over the project period) including hourly/daily rate(s) of consultant, estimate of hours/days of work, all labour and other overhead, materials, equipment, travel, communication and delivery costs, staff time, disbursements
- Background and related experience
- References
Deadline: May 19, 2023
Email: Please submit your proposal with the subject line “RFP CBPRO Evaluation” to