Consultant – Curriculum Design and Toolkit Development

Catholic Crosscultural Services is seeking an experienced consultant or consultancy firm to design and produce a curriculum and resource toolkit for a new Capacity Building Project for Racialized Organizations (CBPRO), funded by IRCC.

Catholic Crosscultural Services is a settlement agency providing services to newcomers and immigrants, and is also the lead agency of the Toronto East Quadrant Local Immigration Partnership (TEQ LIP).

The CBPRO project will equip 20 small, racialized and indigenous organizations with the knowledge and tools to apply for and successfully manage government funding through a series of capacity-building and training sessions, resources and mentoring activities.

The Consultant will develop a curriculum and course material for a series of capacity-building sessions related to organizational governance and managing government funding and a toolkit for participating organizations.
Scope of this Request

Working in collaboration with the project team and with guidance from the Project Advisory Committee, the Consultant will be responsible for the following:

  • Develop curriculum and content for a series of capacity-building modules for a target audience of small, racialized, ethno-cultural and indigenous organizations on the topics of Understanding government funding and preparing proposals; Organizational governance and decision-making, incl. human resources and financial management; and Managing funding contracts.
  • Develop engaging and interactive course materials, including case scenarios and practical exercises related to government funding, proposal development, organizational governance and financial management
  • Produce a toolkit with sample documents and templates, including and organizational readiness assessment tool
  • Update curriculum based on feedback received

Completion of the organizational readiness assessment tool and curriculum for the first modules and course materials by August 2023; complete curriculum, course materials and toolkit finalized by November 2023; updates based on feedback Dec. 2023 – March 2024.

Project Deliverables

  • Detailed work plan with justifications including proposed sources of information; research methods and procedures; timelines and documentation structure
  • Relevant curriculum for a target audience of small, small, racialized, ethno-cultural and indigenous organizations
  • Design of relevant and engaging course materials, case scenarios and practical exercises
  • Toolkit to accompany the curriculum, incl. Organizational Readiness Assessment
  • Participation in regular consultation meetings, timeline to be defined at project onset, with project management and staff, to ensure that activities are implemented effectively
  • Any required tools to be developed along with plan for application

Proposals should detail the Consultant’s experience delivering similar initiatives and competence to successfully complete this work. The successful applicant should possess the following qualifications, demonstrated in the proposal:

  • Background in adult education, capacity-building and/or curriculum development
  • 3+ years experience developing and implementing capacity-building and curriculum development activities
  • Experience working with non-profit and community-based organization
  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of government funding processes, including proposal development and management of funding contracts. Familiarity with IRCC-funded programs is an asset.
  • Strong knowledge and understanding of organizational governance- and decision-making structures
  • Knowledge of newcomer services and of grassroots, small and racialized organizations
  • Proficiency working with educational technologies to support teaching and student needs
  • Computer skills and ability to develop course content for online and in-person delivery

Please send a proposal (5 pages maximum) including:

  • Letter of Introduction including executive summary that demonstrates an understanding of the assignment
  • Work plan and deliverables along with a description of how consultant plans to achieve the goals
  • Description of any expected challenges
  • Project budget (max $13,800) including hourly/daily rate(s) of consultant, estimate of hours/days of work, all labour and other overhead, materials, equipment, travel, communication and delivery costs, staff time, disbursements
  • Background and related experience
  • References

Deadline: May 19, 2023
Email: Please send your proposal with the subject line “RFP CBPRO Curriculum Development” to