As you might have noticed lately, the onset of a worldwide pandemic has literally changed the world and the way of doing things for everyone. Businesses of all stripes have had to pivot and recast their delivery models. Employees and job seekers have had to adapt too and manage their employment expectations.

Nobody knows what may happen post-COVID, but there is very strong indication of a leaner labour market emerging, offering more precarious forms of employment for many job seekers, necessitating a more strategic approach to growing a career.

With this “new normal” in mind, CCS’s Brampton team staged a virtual workshop on July 15 for twenty clients designed to give newcomers a competitive edge in their job search by connecting them to employment resources, helping them understand what makes an attractive candidate from an employer’s perspective, and identifying potential GTA paid and unpaid job placements in various sectors.

Presentations were made by Rahim Nensi, an employment services coordinator, and Gwendolyn Fluker, a career specialist and employer liaison from The Centre for Education and Training, a GTA not-for-profit, offering career and employment services, youth programs, newcomer settlement and language services, and Julie Jackson, a talent acquisition manager from Ingram Micro, a worldwide provider of technology solutions.

They provided insights into their recruitment process, including tips on conducting virtual interviews. Participants were not only familiarized with ways to overcome barriers to finding meaningful employment, but they also learned how to chart a successful employment map to achieve their career goals.

“It was great and consoling to know that there is so much help for immigrants from the Canadian Government” said one client. Another commented, “I liked that a recruiter was one of the panelists and shared real-life scenarios”.

The workshop was produced through the agency’s Employment Access Program that helps orient newcomers to the Canadian job market. Anita Shiwnath, a settlement services manager, cited program coaches’ Anita Pirzada and Paula Fontes for their “commitment and efforts on a successful event”.