Past Client Comes Back to Give Back at CCS AGM

“The English Language Training program (for Medical Professionals) gave me back my self-confidence.”

Imagine that, a newcomer who had been practicing medicine for seven years in his home country prior to immigrating, as well as being educated at one of the best universities in the nation (Beheshti Medical University in Tehran), needed to regain a sense of self-assurance after coming to Canada?  It goes to show you how daunting coming to a new place can be.  Many of the clients coming through our doors at CCS have demonstrated resilience in overcoming the uncertainty and anxiety that goes hand-in-hand with starting a new life in a new country.

Dr. Masih Gharavi is one of them.

He had immigrated to Canada and heard about CCS’ English Language Training Program for Medical Professionals (ELT) through a friend and decided to enroll in classes. The ELT program is targeted to internationally-trained medical professionals, providing participants with support for sector-specific employment skills, resume preparation, mock interviews, language training, insight into the Canadian work culture, and volunteer work placements to help them acclimate to the Canadian healthcare sector and obtain the licensing and accreditation needed to practice medicine in Canada.

The rest, as they say, is history. Dr. Gharavi now has five years of experience under his stethoscope as an international medical doctor in Canada and is the founder and CEO of the “Derm & Dream” Cosmetics Center and the Canadian Cosmetics Academy here in the GTA.

Dr. Gharavi was invited to CCS’s recent 2019 annual general meeting to share some of his experiences in the ELT program and how it helped him to continue to practice medicine and build a career in Canada.

“I know how newcomers feel — no job, lacking in confidence. Hire immigrants,” he urged, “help them find their pathway and achieve their goals”.

His passion for teaching those who want to practice in the cosmetics field led to him starting the academy and its combination of classes — including theory — and practical hands-on training. His goal is to help bridge the gap between what students learn in basic aesthetics courses and what the cosmetic market needs in practicality.

“After finishing the ELT program, I emailed my instructor to say that one day I would like to share my experiences. My advice to newcomers? Grow your networks, it helps. Keep going. One day it will come back to you,” he said.

We are pleased that Dr. Gharavi did indeed get that opportunity to share his story and some of the things he’s learned along his settlement journey.